
solidworks through API reset the next revision symbol

solidworks through API reset the next revision symbol

solidworks through API reset  the next revision symbol
Back a couple years ago SolidWorks gave us the capability to add flagnotes to our drawings without having to put a ''boarder'' over the number or letter. Although a small problem there are only 99 of each. Yes I know 99 is pleanty for 99.9% of all users. BUT, have you ever wanted another type of symbol, like a critical dimension symbol, key feature, or a tweek on a symbol that is already there, etc?. These can all be done with an edit to a file in the SolidWorks directory. The file is called gtol.sym. Its essentially a text file with the extention changed to sym.
The gtol.sym file is found in c:\\lang\english directory\. Open the file with notenad or any text editor you choose.
Opening up the file you will find there are editing and new creation directions at the top of the file.Step 1 is to make your own new catagory. Add a ''#'', and without a space add a shortened version name of what you catagory you are creating followed by a comma. Again no space then the whole catagory name you would like.
Example ''#Crit,Critical Notes'' (without the quotes).
Step 2, hit enter to go to the next line, and now its time to create the symbol itself. We need to give a name for SolidWorks to associate the symbol with and a name that the user pulls from the symbol pull down list. To do this type a ''*'' followed by possibly shortened name of the symbol, followed by a comma and then the name the user will see while creating the note.
Example ''*Crit1,Critical Note 1'' (without the quotes).
Step 3 is building the symbol with lines, arcs, circles, text and the other types listed above based on start end points.
A,LINE 0.,0.,2.0,0.
A,LINE 2.0,0.,3.2,.8
A,LINE 3.2,.8,2.0,1.6
A,LINE 2.0,1.6,0,1.6
A,LINE 0,1.6,0.,0.
A,TEXT 1.1,.8,
CRITCreating the symbol lines and all can be frustrating at times, but if you copy and paste from a similar type symbol, it will be much easier. If you need to create a symbol from scratch then drawing the symbol in SolidWorks and getting data from the x,y positions based with the lower left position at 0,0 and the distances in metric.
A symbol can be placed in your drawing, part or assembly any of 3 different ways.

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